A Day at Alta Mira

At Alta Mira, we combine evidence-based therapy, intensive individual work with your primary therapist and team of clinicians, experiential programming, and group work to help you build the tools you need for lasting sobriety and change. We endeavor to make your experience as meaningful and helpful to your recovery as possible.

Program Philosophy

The innovative curriculum at Alta Mira provides in-depth guidance, education, and experiences to help you thrive in all areas of your life. Our individualized treatment plans address the neurobiological, psychological, physical, social, and spiritual aspects of your addiction—we believe whole body healing is an important aspect to addiction treatment. We support you each day as you work towards your best health, helping you to achieve sustainable recovery.

With a schedule that combines intensive individual therapy, group therapy, educational programming, peer support, medical and psychiatric care, experiential therapy, holistic services, intensive workshops, fitness, spirituality, recreation, self-care, and family programming, we make the most of the time you will invest at Alta Mira.

Positive Mornings

Starting the day right is an essential component to your well-being. You’ll begin each day at Alta Mira by feeding your mind, nourishing your body, and invigorating your spirit.

Breakfast. A wholesome and nourishing meal provides the energy your body needs to begin the day. A choice of healthy options will be provided for you as part of your program.

Daily Intentions. This is an opportunity to spend a bit of morning time in reflection. Journal or set an intention for what you hope to accomplish in treatment today, how you’re feeling, and what your expectations are.

Holistic Therapies. Morning is the perfect time to relax the mind and body with holistic therapies like yoga, meditation, art, massage, acupuncture, and music therapy, which provide their own mental health benefits beyond the basics of deep relaxation.

Productive Afternoons

During your afternoons at Alta Mira, you can expect to attend handpicked daily therapy groups and activities. We match you with the therapeutic modalities that best suit your situation in order to create relevant, meaningful treatment that targets the entire scope of your mental and physical well-being.

Lunch. Your nutritious midday meal acts as a perfect break for the mind and body to recharge after a morning of deep thinking.

Individual Therapy. Engage in a daily session with your primary therapist. Together you’ll dive into the details of your recovery journey to further the healing process.

Group Therapies. Learning from your peers can be a catalyst for your own recovery. Group therapy allows you to discuss the realities of treatment and recovery with those who understand your experience firsthand.

Relaxing Break. Breaks will be built into your daily schedule in order to give you time to decompress from the day. You can relax alone or with other clients, enjoy the outdoor spaces of Alta Mira, or rest in your room.

Peaceful Evenings

Evening therapies are designed to encourage relaxation after the intensive treatment day, as well as offer their own therapeutic benefits. After evening activities, you will have free time for contemplation and introspection before turning in for a night of restful sleep.

Dinner. The final meal of the day tends to feel like the finish line at the end of a difficult but worthwhile race. Enjoy another healthy and delicious meal as a reward for a hard day’s work.

Peer Support Groups. Attend a peer support group (12-step or alternative), alumni speaker meeting, or Resident Experience, Strength & Hope meeting to further build your support network and gain the strength you need to live a happy, successful, sober life.

Personal Reflection. Enjoy an introspective moment of reflection before turning in for a good night’s rest in your peaceful accommodations. Take some time to journal, meditate, or reflect on the day you’ve just completed and the lessons you may have learned.

Engaging Weekends

Weekends include more extensive leisure time to allow you to decompress and integrate your week of therapeutic work. We also offer group activities that may include art therapy, hiking, kayaking, equine therapy, fitness, and movie nights.

Every day at Alta Mira won’t follow this structure exactly, but the core components of recovery treatment will remain the same. You’ll work hard in various therapies during the week to gain self-awareness and coping skills that you can take with you, and your weekends will be made up of relaxation and experiential therapy to provide a nice change of pace. Altogether, these elements are the building blocks for an effective residential recovery treatment stay at Alta Mira.

Please contact us for more details about how we can help you or your loved one. We are always available to answer questions or guide you through the admissions process.