Cocaine Rehab

Cocaine Addiction Treatment and Rehab

Addiction to cocaine can develop suddenly, although early warning signs are usually observable. Cocaine addiction can play havoc with the lives of those who have it, possibly putting them at risk for overdose if use continues to escalate. Cocaine rehab at Alta Mira addresses both the causes and the effects of this disorder, relying on evidence-based treatment to give men and women with cocaine addiction a real chance to reverse their pattern of self-destructive behavior.

What Is Cocaine Addiction?

Cocaine is a powerful and addictive stimulant drug, primarily used recreationally. Cocaine users experience high energy and euphoria. Use can lead to accelerated heart rate, mood swings, difficulty sleeping, and cognitive distortions. When consumed in large amounts, cocaine addiction can lead to drug-induced psychosis, heart attacks, or strokes. In rehab, addiction to cocaine can be successfully treated with a combination of evidence-based approaches, including behavioral therapy, peer support, and relapse prevention.

Cocaine results from the processing of chemicals that naturally occur in the plant species Erythroxylon coca. Cocaine can be snorted, smoked, or injected intravenously. The drug has two main forms: a loose powder and a hard, rock-like substance commonly known as “crack.” Once cocaine enters the human bloodstream, it has a strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system. It speeds up the normal rate of activity between the nerve cells that form the backbone of the nervous system’s outgoing and incoming communications. Both forms of cocaine also trigger intense feelings of euphoria in the brain’s pleasure center, which can lead to addiction. Since crack cocaine produces more intense feelings than powdered cocaine use and also has a shorter-term effect, it can be more addictive.

Facts and Statistics about Cocaine Addiction

Because cocaine produces euphoric experiences, users are motivated to use more of the drug. Once a recurring pattern of use is established, the brain will eventually come to view the presence of cocaine as a normal part of its chemical environment, leading to physical dependence.

  • According to The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) reports on the number of American preteens, teenagers, and adults affected by cocaine-related abuse or addiction, in 2016, roughly 867,000 people met diagnostic criteria for cocaine addiction. This is the equivalent of approximately 0.3 percent of all individuals over the age of 11.
  • Also stated by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) in 2016, nearly 2 million individuals ages 12 and older reported cocaine use in the United States.
  • A 2018 study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) based on data from 2016 reported that approximately 1.9% of teens ages 12-17 reported cocaine use, young adults ages 18-25 reported 5.6% use, and adults ages 26-34 reported 3.8% cocaine use.
  • As stated by the Foundation For A Drug-Free World cocaine is the second most trafficked illegal drug in the world.

Effective World-Class Treatment for Cocaine Addiction at Alta Mira

Each month, somewhere between one and two million Americans will use and/or abuse cocaine. Unfortunately, many people still don’t believe cocaine is addictive, despite decades of evidence to the contrary.

Cocaine abuse causes profound changes in the brain. It first stimulates and later inhibits the brain’s capacity to produce the neurochemical dopamine, which is associated with pleasurable thoughts and feelings. Over time the abuse will turn into addiction, once the brain can no longer synthesize adequate supplies of dopamine without the presence of cocaine. If you use cocaine repeatedly over an extended period, you will experience a long list of troublesome physical, emotional, and psychological responses, which either help create cocaine addiction or reinforce its hold once it develops.

Our luxury cocaine rehab program will address every facet of your addiction, so you can achieve lasting recovery. Our innovative residential treatment program for cocaine addiction has outstanding success rates and treatment outcomes. Individuals entering our cocaine treatment center can expect:

  • Safe, supervised detox. Cocaine withdrawal can produce powerful and disruptive side effects. This makes medical detox an essential first step in recovery. Constant monitoring in a fully staffed clinical facility will protect you from the risk of relapse during the first 7–14 days of treatment when the temptation to start using again can be powerful.
  • Monitored medication use. Medications are not required to treat cocaine addiction but they can be used to minimize some of its worst effects when used safely and in moderation. They might also be prescribed if a co-occurring mental health disorder has been diagnosed.
  • Comprehensive diagnostic services. At Alta Mira, you’ll undergo an extensive mental, behavioral, and emotional health evaluation, for both substance use and mental health disorders. Treatment plans will be developed based on the results of this evaluation.
  • Individual, group, and family therapy sessions. Regular and intensive therapy will form the foundation of your recovery program. Individual sessions with our caring clinical team will be scheduled regularly, and your comprehensive treatment plan will include group therapy and family therapy sessions. In therapy, you’ll have an opportunity to discover the causes and conditions of your cocaine addiction as you seek greater self-comprehension and expanded power over your future choices.
  • Healing wellness services. Our treatment program integrates holistic and experiential therapies that promote renewed personal growth and sustainable good health, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually.
  • Continuing care. Our alumni program can help you maintain sobriety and avoid relapse. Individual therapy, support group meetings, and quarterly alumni tune-ups will provide you with a safe and supportive outlet to discuss and work through the difficult life struggles that inevitably occur during recovery.

We’ve helped many others find lasting sobriety from cocaine addiction, and we can do the same for you or your loved one.

Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction

Potential signs of cocaine abuse and addiction may include:

  • Unusual talkativeness
  • Atypical rapid body movements
  • Moving quickly from topic to topic in conversation
  • Bouts of euphoric moods, and mood swings
  • A declining desire for sleep
  • Reduced appetite
  • Rapid, unpredictable mood changes
  • Angry outbursts
  • Unusual nervousness
  • Paranoia
  • Unexplained bouts of fatigue
  • Unexplained periods of sadness

Additional signs and symptoms may appear in people who use cocaine in different ways. The diagnostic criteria for Cocaine Use Disorder can be found in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Telltale symptoms include:

  • A need to take increasing amounts of the drug in order to feel “high”
  • Loss of the ability to set a limit on the number of times cocaine use occurs
  • Loss of the ability to set a limit on the amount of the drug consumed during episodes of use
  • The appearance of cocaine cravings between episodes of use

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The Causes and Risk Factors of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction is caused by long-term changes in the way the brain uses and makes several important neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that communicate information in the brain. Factors that increase addiction risks include:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Underdeveloped social skills
  • Aggressive or violent behavior during childhood
  • Ready access to cocaine as a teenager
  • A wider pattern of drug experimentation as a teenager
  • The presence of mental illness

In most cases, the preconditions for adult addiction are already established during adolescence or at an earlier age.

Knowing When It's Time for Cocaine Rehab

Individuals who become addicted to cocaine often experience a progressive downward spiral if nothing is done to interrupt the development of the condition. Taking action requires courage, initiative, and determination, but once those forces are unleashed, profound change is truly possible.

Alta Mira can help you find answers by showing you how to ask the right questions. Once you face your cocaine addiction honestly, without denial, and with a focus on solutions, a brighter future can become possible.

  • It’s Possible to Heal. Unfortunately, chronic relapse is a common outcome for men and women who develop cocaine dependency. This relapsing pattern is a testament to the power of cocaine addiction. But under the right circumstances, treatment can be even more effective. At Alta Mira, we understand and acknowledge the risk of relapse, and our cocaine addiction treatment is designed to reduce this possibility substantially.
  • Treatment Outcomes at Alta Mira. A study by the Vista Research Group found that Alta Mira clients were more likely to be clean and sober six months after completing treatment than those who were treated at other rehab centers. Alta Mira’s superior treatment outcomes are a direct result of our individualized, intensive, and multidimensional approach to cocaine addiction treatment.
  • Alumni Program. Once you complete treatment, having a strong and extensive support network can empower your efforts to achieve lasting recovery.

How to Help a Loved One Get Treatment for Cocaine Addiction

When you speak with your loved one about their cocaine abuse, you should be straightforward and honest about what you’ve seen and what you perceive. Nevertheless, you should stay calm, patient, and supportive, even as you encourage them to accept the truth and seek help.

If your loved one remains reluctant to believe what is obvious to you, a professional intervention may be necessary. At Alta Mira, we can help recommend an intervention expert for your family’s situation.

We have helped a significant number of men and women with cocaine addiction. If your loved one agrees to enter our cocaine addiction treatment center, their issues will be dealt with proactively, comprehensively, and empathically.

How Our Luxury Cocaine Rehab Center Transforms Lives

During your stay at Alta Mira, you’ll have an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This will include comprehensive services for any co-occurring conditions that might be complicating or supporting your cocaine addiction.

  • Comprehensive Neuropsychological Testing and Assessment
  • Individualized Treatment Plans
  • Evidence-Based Treatment Modalities
  • Holistic and Experiential Therapies
  • Luxurious Private Location

Our Transformational Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program

Your first 30 days of cocaine addiction treatment at Alta Mira is referred to as your Detox, Stabilization, Assessment period, which begins with private, medically supervised detox. During this time, our detox specialists will keep you safe and secure, monitored 24/7, as you rest in the privacy of your own room. You can also expect:

  • Weekly meetings with a psychiatrist
  • Weekly meetings with a medical doctor
  • Neuropsychological testing and advanced psychological testing
  • Orientation to our recovery fundamentals and self-regulation skills development
  • In-depth family engagement and the option for loved ones to attend multiple 3-day family programs
  • Introduction to therapy groups

Following 30 days of stabilization, clients move on to the next phase of their recovery process at Alta Mira, which we call our Transformational Program. Key elements of our complete 90-day transformational cocaine rehab program include:

  • Three individual intensive psychotherapy sessions per week
  • Weekly meetings with a medical doctor
  • Participation in advanced workshops to support introspection, foundational change toward recovery, and relapse prevention
  • Expanded neuropsychological assessment and continued weekly psychiatrist meetings inform tailored treatment adjustments and a refined individualized clinical approach
  • Practice and integration of recovery principles and self-regulation skills and continued family work to support improved individual outcomes
  • Intensive Workshops

Reclaim Your Life at Our Private Cocaine Treatment Center Today

We believe individuals are best able to focus on their recovery when immersed in a secure, serene, healing setting. That’s why we provide comfortable surroundings while maintaining the most advanced and sophisticated cocaine rehab program in Northern California. Clients can expect compassionate care from our best-in-class cocaine addiction specialists.

Seeking a helping hand to guide you through these difficult times is not an easy decision. Our caring and experienced team at Alta Mira can help guide you through the next steps toward achieving lasting recovery.

Don’t let cocaine control your life. To begin your life-changing transformation, contact us today.

Cocaine Addiction FAQs

In many forms of addiction, increased tolerance means that habitual users may be able to use significant quantities of a drug without overdosing. However, even when taking a dose of the drug that has caused no problems in the past, a habitual user may develop symptoms of an overdose with little or no warning.

Typical symptoms of a cocaine overdose include:

  • Forced or irregular breathing
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Intense mental agitation
  • Intense anxiety or agitation
  • Muscle tremors
  • Chest pain
  • A high fever
  • Tachycardia (i.e., rapid heartbeat)
  • Sensory hallucinations
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • A delirious state accompanied by aimless body movements, excessive sweating, an extremely high fever, and (in some cases) violent or aggressive behavior

All methods of cocaine intake can lead to an overdose. However, people who inject the drug intravenously have higher odds of overdosing, which in some cases can be fatal.

In addition to other common symptoms, addicted users of powdered cocaine and crack can develop symptoms of cocaine withdrawal if the brain’s established requirements for the drug go unsatisfied. Typical withdrawal indicators include things such as:

  • A general sense of unease
  • Vivid dreams or nightmares
  • A depressed mental state
  • A sharp decline in energy levels
  • Mental agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Extreme paranoia
  • Intense drug cravings

In people who have used the drug heavily for months or years, depression and intense cocaine cravings can linger long after active intake has ended. In addition, some individuals withdrawing from cocaine may experience suicidal ideation.

In cocaine rehab, cocaine withdrawal can be closely monitored during a period of medical detoxification, or detox. This medical oversight helps prevent any serious complications in people going through the withdrawal process. It also helps prevent a relapse back into cocaine use and any attempts to substitute other addictive substances for the drug.