Cocaine Addiction Recovery Statistics

Cocaine Addiction Recovery Statistics

Because cocaine addiction treatment is confidential, it is difficult to obtain exact data and statistics concerning the recovery for specific drugs. The same individual may seek treatment several times in a single year at different facilities; these admittances may be counted as if they were all separate people rather than one person seeking treatment multiple times. Despite potential inaccuracies in statistics, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration tracks the number of admittances for cocaine addiction each year.

Cocaine is a highly addictive drug that changes the way the human brain processes certain chemicals. When an individual uses cocaine, the brain will release more dopamine than under normal circumstances, which creates the euphoric effects the drug user is seeking. When the drug leaves the system, the user is immediately hit with a craving to replace it. This frequency of use is part of why cocaine is so terribly addictive. The continued use increases tolerance, which leads directly to addiction in many cases.

For some individuals, it can be difficult to admit that they are addicted to cocaine because of the lack of physical withdrawal symptoms. Some drugs, such as heroin, will cause the addict to be physically ill, suffering shakes and alternating between fevers and chills. With cocaine withdrawal, this is not the case. The withdrawal symptoms are mostly psychological, with the exception of the intense physical craving for more of the drug.

By the Numbers

The total number of admittances for the past several years were:

  • 2008: 213,971
  • 2007: 243,287
  • 2006: 269,986
  • 2005: 267,212

Admittances to Top Cocaine Treatment Centers

According to the data for the year 2008, the statistics regarding the number of admittances to treatment programs for the primary use of cocaine fell for the third year in a row.

In the 10-year span from 1998 to 2008, the middle Atlantic states had the highest rates of admission for cocaine addiction; however, overall, there was a 23-percent decline in admissions in the same time frame.

What Are the Chances of a Full Recovery From Cocaine Addiction?

Addiction is a treatable disease, but unfortunately, it is not curable. Making a full recovery is a matter of perspective. When an individual enrolls in a treatment program, he or she will learn how to manage the symptoms of their disease, how to control cravings, and make better and more informed decisions which can then translate into healthier behaviors. However, one of the characteristics of addiction as a disease is the risk of relapse.

If an individual falls into a relapse situation, it does not mean that their recovery has failed. It simply means, as with other medical conditions such as diabetes or cancer, the treatment needs to be modified. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a consistent eye toward adjusting treatment for the needs of an individual is one of the principles of effective treatment.

What Can I Do to Increase the Chances for Success in My Own Recovery?

You’ve already taken the first step. You are discovering avenues into a treatment program. You have already increased your chances for success by seeking help. Addiction is a tough disease that can alter the way you make decisions, so creating the desire to stop using cocaine means you are going in the right direction.

The next step is to find the best treatment program available to you and make a concerted effort to detox and stop using cocaine altogether. Most addicts need help with this, so you can increase your chances for recovery by asking for that help.

Begin Your Recovery Journey Today



Follow-up care may consist of:

  • Post-treatment monitoring
  • Alumni support and process groups
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) focused on relapse prevention

It’s important to enroll in a program that suits your needs and level of addiction. An outpatient facility can offer you the flexibility to continue working while you attend classes and activities worked around your schedule. You can also choose a program that meets every day, all day, but you will still return home to sleep and take care of your family responsibilities. Another option is to live in a top residential facility while you dedicate 100 percent of your time and energy to healing.

The final aspect you need to consider for decreasing the chances for relapse is the aftercare you receive from the program you choose. Active participation in aftercare – whether in the form of ongoing therapy or 12-step group meetings – generally results in better long-term recovery rates.

How Will Statistics Help My Loved One?

In truth, the statistics don’t matter when it comes to your addicted loved one. The only thing that matters is their individual situation and how they respond to the process. If your loved one is looking to statistics to find hope, they can rest assured that hope is there. People recover from active addiction every day; there is hope.

When a loved one is hurting, we want to help. Sometimes, the help we offer is not in the best interest of our loved one, even though we believe we are doing the right thing. When we try to ease a situation, we sometimes enable our loved one to continue using drugs or alcohol.

Hope is Just a Phone Call Away


Avoid Enabling

There are certain behaviors and thought patterns that we should refrain from using, as compiled by the University of Pennsylvania. These enabling behaviors include:

  • Using with our loved one. This particular activity could indicate that both parties are in need of help, although cocaine use does not always mean addiction. We might believe that we are helping our loved ones by encouraging them to use in our presence because we can watch them and ensure they are safe, but we are only creating an atmosphere where they have our “permission” to use cocaine.
  • Covering for our loved ones. When we make excuses for their behavior to others or lie to their boss or spouse about what they are doing, we are creating the bubble in which they can continue to destroy themselves.
  • Avoiding confrontation. In an effort to keep the peace, we may decide not to confront our loved ones about their cocaine abuse. Confrontations are difficult, but sometimes they are necessary for the addict to understand they need help.
  • Blowing it off. When we minimize the extent of our family member’s problem with cocaine, we are leaving the situation open to becoming worse. Believing that everything will work itself out means that you have recognized there is a problem. Ignoring that problem will not solve it.

Instead of harboring the feelings that lead to enabling, consider taking active steps to find help for your loved one. Contacting someone to help with an intervention may be a good place to start. An intervention specialist can help you with planning and carrying out an intervention, while at the same time helping you arrange for a cocaine addiction treatment program.

If you’d like more information on cocaine addiction treatment, or the recovery statistics that are available, contact us today. We are here 24/7 to answer your questions.