An Education in Alcoholism: The College Drinking Culture

You started drinking in high school: sneaking beers with friends, raiding your parent’s liquor cabinet, attending (and hosting) well-stocked house parties. By the time you were a senior, you were drinking almost every weekend. You couldn’t wait to get to college and join the Greek life. And this was when the parties really started–every weekend there was some occasion to have a few beers with your brothers or sisters. Eventually you surrounded yourself with a group of like-minded partiers who were on an endless search for the next big binge. Almost anything became a reason to party: first day of classes, holidays, end of exams, obscure president birthdays, sun, snow, or rain. It was a drinking life for you, but you didn’t see a problem with that. You assumed it was just part of the lifestyle, and that it wouldn’t affect you after college. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a temporary thing. For some students, it was a college fad, but for you, it was the opening up of your latent addictive tendencies. Those college days of drinking have stayed with you–and now it’s time to acknowledge your addiction, and seek help for your alcoholism.

Greek Life Influence

It seems obvious that students in Greek societies drink more–and there is ample research backing that up. But just how much more? A recent study showed that between their freshman and senior years, Greek students increased their number of drinks per week from five to eight–compared to an increase from two to three for non-Greek students. So not only are these students drinking over twice as much as non-Greek students, but they’re also increasing their intake more rapidly. This is always dangerous, but for some, it increases the chance of addiction. It opens someone up to a lifestyle that sticks with them. If this growth isn’t curtailed by graduation, where might it lead?

Nowhere good. With the increase in drinking comes a potential increase in negative outcomes.

When the Keg Stand Fails

We’ve all heard about the promising athlete who lost his scholarship due either to underage drinking, illegal activities performed while under the influence, or some freak accident that happened while drunk. And these are only the cases you hear about in the local paper. The effects touch far more students, and research paints a stark picture. Each year in the United States:

  • Close to 700,000 students are assaulted by another student who has been drinking.
  • Over 97,000 students are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape.
  • Close to 600,000 students suffer alcohol-related injuries.
  • About 25 percent of students experience academic problems due to their drinking.
  • 150,000 students develop alcohol-related health problems, and between 1.2 and 1.5 percent try to commit suicide.
  • Almost 5 million students drive drunk, putting themselves and others at risk.

The saddest statistic of all: each year approximately 1,825 students will die from alcohol-related injuries.

You were one of the 150,000 students who developed an alcohol-related health problem while at college, and your drinking problem has followed you into the present day.

After college, you expected your drinking would slow down–after all, most Greek students are able to cut down their drinking after graduation. However, for you, Greek society was the catalyst for a lifelong addiction. You have realized that drinking has become a part of you, a part you can’t easily leave behind.

So maybe your drinks over lunch to discuss the latest ad campaign turned into two-hour liquid lunches. After-work drinks might have become an almost daily occurrence. Your weekends were a haze of binging. Alcohol might have been your escape from a hectic day–until one day, when it went too far. This was the moment when you realized you need help.

Seeking treatment seems like a daunting task. But here at Alta Mira, we are ready to give you the help you need, and start you out on your journey to recovery. Greek life might have been where your alcoholism started, but that’s not where it has to end.

Alta Mira offers comprehensive residential treatment for alcohol addiction as well as co-occurring mental health disorders. Contact us to learn more about our renowned Bay Area programs and how we can help you or your loved one start the journey toward recovery.