How to Treat Percocet Withdrawal Symptoms in Early Recovery

Fear of having to endure Percocet withdrawal symptoms commonly discourages people from moving forward with treatment, so they continue in a cycle of substance use disorder and its terrible side effects. But programs are available and waiting to help treat withdrawal symptoms and wider issues of addiction and physical dependence comprehensively. Long-term success in recovery depends on a strong foundation built on residential treatment and tools for managing addiction and co-occurring issues into the future.

Even the third time wasn’t a charm when Stephan tried to kick his Percocet dependency on his own. He had the right intentions and motivation behind him: to revive the life he loved with his wife, his kids, and his job. The trouble was that each time he tried to stop taking the drug, he couldn’t power through the withdrawal symptoms for more than a day or two.

After the third attempt to quit from home, Stephan’s wife insisted on a residential program for substance use detox and recovery.

While it was hard to plan for the time off and to take time away from his family, the dedicated, medically supervised program was the thing that finally worked for him. Medical and psychological professionals know how to treat Percocet withdrawal symptoms with the best chances of comfort and success possible. If your partner or sibling or friend needs help on the road to recovery from Percocet addiction, a comprehensive treatment plan could make the difference for their lasting grip on the life they really want.

What Are the Common Symptoms of Percocet Withdrawal?

Percocet use for long periods of time and for the experience of getting high—as opposed to just for the purpose of measured, short-term pain management by prescription—can lead to both an addiction to the experience of feeling high and a physical dependency. The brain responds to the presence of opioid drugs by increasing the number of opioid pain control receptors. More receptors call for higher quantities of opioids, such as Percocet, to fulfill the perceived need to treat pain and mood imbalance. This dependency is more than just a mental draw to the drug and requires a careful, professional approach to rehabilitation for long-term recovery.

A physical dependency to Percocet can produce withdrawal symptoms when an individual stops taking the drug and begins to break the cycle of opioid receptor gratification. When supervised in a comprehensive care facility, symptoms can be managed and mitigated for the most successful recovery and long-term maintenance. Symptoms of Percocet withdrawal can include:

  • runny nose and eyes
  • sweating
  • chills
  • fever
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • upset stomach and cramps
  • muscle and joint pains
  • irritability
  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • restlessness

If your friend or loved one is experiencing increased blood pressure, heart rate, or respiratory rate, it’s important to get urgent medical attention. In general, this entire list of symptoms calls for compassionate, expert attention.

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Exploring How to Treat Percocet Withdrawal Symptoms

It’s common for people to avoid treatment because they fear the symptoms of withdrawal. But as so many people like Stephan now know, what is on the other side of the detox journey is a life incomparably better. With knowledgeable, compassionate help, the recovery journey can happen as safely and as comfortably as possible.

The intensity of the withdrawal symptoms varies from person to person and typically depends on the duration of the addiction and the amount of Percocet consumed on a regular basis to sustain the dependence. Medical detox and assistance will be critical, especially at the beginning of the withdrawal period when physical symptoms tend to be the most intense. But sustained support will be important as some physical withdrawal symptoms continue and clients need to develop tools for coping with cravings and psychological symptoms and challenges in the longer term.

Each client’s treatment needs are unique and can include medication for pain and stress management, meals for particular nutrition needs, proper hydration, sleep support, a combination of rest and activity, and psychological therapy as well. Personalized treatment may also involve holistic therapies, such as meditation and other relaxation techniques, yoga, equine and adventure therapy. Weekly support groups play a major role both in early recovery and in the long-term journey because individuals are sharing their experiences with others who are on a similar path of addiction recovery. When hope or motivation wear thin, peer support can help to reinvigorate one’s resolve and bring focus back to the small steps along the way.

Beyond the direct Percocet withdrawal symptoms, co-occurring issues call for dual diagnosis treatment. Ongoing pain, other substance use disorders, anxiety, depression, and other simultaneous challenges are best managed in a residential center where professionals can identify the appropriate medications and other therapeutic options for each client.

How Successful Treatment in Early Recovery Supports Long-Term Success

When opioid use puts life significantly off course, there is a lot for each client to balance out—beyond simply setting the substance aside. The body needs to find its way back to a healthy way of being. The mind and emotions need to rediscover how to be naturally happy, sad, confused, excited, and everything in between. In a lot of cases, relationships need active attention to reconnect and rebuild bridges. Some people need help reintegrating responsibilities around regular life tasks, finances, work, and self-care.

For all of these reasons, as well as the immediate concerns of recovery from substance use and other co-occurring disorders, programs that last for 30 days or especially 90 days of treatment are ideal for the short and long-term success and fulfillment. Family members and friends can also get help and advice to play an important role in the recovery journey for loved ones struggling with addiction. Percocet withdrawal symptoms can’t stand in the way of your best life when you have the right help and support.

Alta Mira offers comprehensive treatment for people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction as well as co-occurring mental health disorders and process addictions. Contact us to learn more about our renowned programs and how we can help you or your loved one start the journey toward recovery.