More Than Just A Safe Ride: Sober Escorts Help Keep You Strong in Recovery

Seeking help for an addiction is perhaps one of the biggest and bravest steps towards recovery, but your journey doesn’t end there. Abstinence is an ongoing battle that you need to fight every day—and sometimes you’ll want people beside you to aid in your fight. After successfully completing residential treatment, your lifelong focus on sobriety continues, and aftercare groups are key to helping you stay on course. Continued therapy, support groups, and sober escorts can empower you to stay clean and move forward.

Life After Treatment

Intensive treatment at a residential facility removes distractions from your world, allowing you to address the underlying causes of your addiction and find your path to healing. The immersive environment of a residential treatment center allows you to focus fully on your recovery. Once you go home, you’re confronted with potential triggers and stressors, and need an aftercare plan in place to help you stay the course. To smooth the transition back into your everyday life, Alta Mira offers a comprehensive Continuing Care Program, which crafts individualized plans that line up support groups and continuing therapy after your time in treatment.

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The Risk of Relapse

The first year after treatment is especially difficult, but the good news is that maintaining sobriety is completely achievable. Many addicts feel especially vulnerable directly after leaving treatment, and find that they have to re-learn how to resist surrounding temptations. It’s not uncommon for addicts to exit the treatment facility and be drawn straight to the same circle of substance-using friends. The addicted mind can be impulsive and insidious; all your hard work of detox and therapy can swiftly fall victim to various environmental stressors. But your odds of success increase exponentially when you’re surrounded by people who support your sobriety. During aftercare, outpatient care, and treatment groups, it can be helpful to have a sober escort—he or she will provide the supervision and encouragement necessary to help keep yourself on track.

Sober Escorts

A sober escort can help share the burden of environmental triggers and temptations so you can stay focused on recovery. Escorts will be there when family and friends cannot, whether it be driving you to and from an AA meeting or back and forth from aftercare check-ins. Escorts can arrive early and stay late at group meetings with you, and may encourage you to meet people and get phone numbers as an added level of support. Sober companions can take an active role in your life by exercising and meditating with you, attending stressful meetings, or whatever the situation necessitates. You can work with an escort to make your home a clean and sober environment, verifying that all triggers are removed.

In some cases, a sober companion may actually reside at the recovering addict’s home 24/7 for a week, a month, three months, or whatever it takes. Those working as sober escorts will do their utmost to ensure their clients follow through on their plans for recovery.

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Maintaining Sobriety in the Outside World

Life inevitably has its ups and downs, and you’ll need to know how to manage both. New problems will crop up after leaving the treatment facility and they can be difficult to handle on your own. Sober escorts and aftercare resources will support you through everyday challenges as, over time, you strengthen your successful coping strategies. Recovery from addiction is a dynamic and lifelong process, but you don’t have to go through it alone.

Alta Mira provides comprehensive treatment for people struggling with addiction using evidence-based therapies and compassionate support. Contact us for more information about how we can help you or your loved one on the road to recovery.